Tuesday 12 August 2014


Product Levels

(Transformations are the multi purpose books etc)

Product Differentiation:
Durability,conformance quality, reliability,repair ability, style, performance quality differentiate a product 
Classmate is a non-durable product. The style, brand image,the cover design, trivia and the quality of paper and also the C.S.R. activity differentiate classmate from its competitors. Customers also take into account of the conformance quality which means the degree to which all produced units are identical. 

Services Differentiation::
Ordering ease, delivery, installation,customer training,customer consulting, maintenance repair and returns differentiate services
Classmate is available at all the mom and pop stationery stores and also kirana stores hence it is easily accessible and the returning of it is also easily if in case of any damage. 

Design Differentiation:
Classmate has very good cover design that differentiates it from its competitors. The customers register the design at the first look and hence prefer classmate over others.

Product Hierarchy

Linking this to the 3C model

Linking it to the life cycle concepts, 
Development stage consists of need family, and item. If an established brand introduces a new variant  then product line is also included.
Introduction stage consists of the item that is launched in the market
Growth stage consists of the competitors i.e product line and product class.
Maturity stage consists of the product type, different types of variants. 

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